

Saturday, May 8, 2010

These are a few of the paintings I have on ebay and etsy right now.

Been Gone, Now Back!!

Well, have not been on my Blog in forever! I am sorry to anyone who follows my blog!
So, time to update some things.
First of all, on my weight loss goal of 100 pounds, as of this morning, I have lost 41 pounds!!!! Started eating better on January 1st of this year. I have cut out all pop, I am eating salads and fruits, No fast food! It has really been working for me. My family and friends are really supporting me! I am on facebook and every Monday I let my friends know if I have gained or lost. Some of my friends are on the same journey as I am, for better health. We can do it!!!! And if you are tackling on losing some pounds, simply have faith in yourself. Believe in YOU and anything is possible!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Update On 100 Pound Goal!!

Well, it has been a wonderful year!! The diet is going well. Lost some weight quickly the first month and a half. So far, 27 pounds LOST!!! Hurray! Still have a way to go, but I am determined!

I am praying that when I do my last post of 2010, b-4 New Years, I will be able to say I have reached my 100 pound goal! It can happen, and that is what keeps me going.

Anyone else out there trying to lose weight, know you are worth it!!! You can do it!!!

New Spring Paintings!!!

These are a few of my new art pieces available on ebay right now.

I have not been a very good blogger lately! Kind of got out of the habit for awhile.

Anyway, here are some of my new pieces!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

HUGE Angel Saint Painting On Ebay Now!!

This is a HUGE Angel Saint Painting on a wooden sliding door panel.

It measures 27 inches tall by 26 across.

Lovely piece to place above a bed, a fireplace mantel, or anywhere you need a larger piece of artwork.

She ends on Saturday, check her out on ebay. Or contact me if interested!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Valentine Heart Angel On Ebay

This is my newest Angel painting.
She is available on ebay right now!

I Have Lost 10 Pounds!!!!!

Hi, there.

Monday was my weigh in day. Have been really cutting back on my fat intake, pop, and doing lite excercising. Thank you Richard Simmons and Jane Fonda!!!

I now have 90 pounds to go! With God's help, I will lose this weight!

If anyone else out there is working on their weight, you can do it!!!! All of us are worth it!

Talk soon,
