

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Gardener And The Cat

My newest little tile painting available on ebay now.

We are smack dab in the midst of winter and I am already yearning for spring!

I guess this little painting says I am ready for sunshine and flowers.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Wendy will be on Ebay later today.

Wendy will be the first of my Romantic Angel Painting series for Valentine's Day. I will list each Angel as she is completed.

This one is called, " Message of Love".

Recycling Department Store Bags

On Christmas Day, I found myself one gift bag short. So, I had to put on my thinking cap. Hmmmmm, what to do? Well, in my closet were some paper department store bags. I had some of my strong brown paper rolled up in the corner. Why not paint something Holidayish to place over the department store name. So, I painted a snowman and added some rubber stamped snowflakes. I taped the painted snowman over the store logo. Instant,whimsical and fun gift bag!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Tonight is Christmas Eve, time for Family and Friends and remembering what Christmas is all about.

Jesus birthday. Happy Birthday, Dear Jesus.

May all have a peaceful night and a day of celebration tomorrow.

God Bless Us All.

Merry Christmas!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Chicken Pot Pie Update

Last night I made my very first chicken pot pie. I must say, it turned out pretty good! I added alot of pepper and onion powder because I wanted it to open up our sinuses. Sounds gross, but this combination of spices always seems to help with my recipes when I feel I am getting a tiny cold. If you feel a cold coming on, salsa and corn chips are great too! A big bowl of chili with shredded cheese and sour cream is not too shabby either!!
Well, I hope if you are reading this, you are in a safe and cozy place tonight. I hope you are happy and well.
Less than 4 days till Christmas!!!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tiles Done and ready for ebay!!

Well, I didn't know if I would get these done or not tonight. But, somehow managed.
The little red tile is called "The Angel And The Snowbird". The blue tile is called "The Angel Gardener".
Both will be on ebay sometime this evening.
Hope, wherever you are, you are having a wonderful evening. I am getting ready to go bake a Homemade Chicken Pot Pie. I have never made one before, isn't that terrible? I am hoping it will turn out, got the recipe off the internet. If it does, I'll let you know!

New Angel Tile Paintings

Today I started 2 new little Angel stone tile paintings. I love painting these little gals!
I will try and have them finished tonight so I can share them with you then.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Angel And Dragonfly

My newest Angel painting available on ebay right now.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Here I am when I was very small. Even at this age I loved art!! Notice the shirt I am wearing, it is a Crayola Crayon shirt.

My very first memory of art was from pre-school, still remember the name of the school, The Lollipop House! We did finger painting and I loved the colors of the paint on my hands. Loved the cool smooth feel of it on my fingers. I think that is when I got hooked to the whole art experience.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

New Blog and Back To Painting...

Well, this is a new Blog attempt for me! Trying to figure out how to set up my new Blog is going to be quite an adventure! So, bare with me on this artistic and technical journey.

I got to spend part of my weekend at a very dear friends home in Kentucky. We had a wonderful time and I was so inspired at some of the lovely artwork my friend had in her home. So, today, thought of some new ideas for my Angel paintings. Above are a few of my older Angel paintings.