

Saturday, May 8, 2010

These are a few of the paintings I have on ebay and etsy right now.

Been Gone, Now Back!!

Well, have not been on my Blog in forever! I am sorry to anyone who follows my blog!
So, time to update some things.
First of all, on my weight loss goal of 100 pounds, as of this morning, I have lost 41 pounds!!!! Started eating better on January 1st of this year. I have cut out all pop, I am eating salads and fruits, No fast food! It has really been working for me. My family and friends are really supporting me! I am on facebook and every Monday I let my friends know if I have gained or lost. Some of my friends are on the same journey as I am, for better health. We can do it!!!! And if you are tackling on losing some pounds, simply have faith in yourself. Believe in YOU and anything is possible!