

Sunday, January 17, 2010

HUGE Angel Saint Painting On Ebay Now!!

This is a HUGE Angel Saint Painting on a wooden sliding door panel.

It measures 27 inches tall by 26 across.

Lovely piece to place above a bed, a fireplace mantel, or anywhere you need a larger piece of artwork.

She ends on Saturday, check her out on ebay. Or contact me if interested!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Valentine Heart Angel On Ebay

This is my newest Angel painting.
She is available on ebay right now!

I Have Lost 10 Pounds!!!!!

Hi, there.

Monday was my weigh in day. Have been really cutting back on my fat intake, pop, and doing lite excercising. Thank you Richard Simmons and Jane Fonda!!!

I now have 90 pounds to go! With God's help, I will lose this weight!

If anyone else out there is working on their weight, you can do it!!!! All of us are worth it!

Talk soon,


Sunday, January 10, 2010

New African American Angels On Ebay

Caribbean Angel Sisters

These little gals are ready for some seaside fun!

Find them on ebay now!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

2 New Angels On Ebay=SOLD

The pink one is called "Lilly Anne". Sweet shabby pink painting just in time for Valntine's.

The other painting is called "Holly's Love Letters". Lovely scrapbook paper dress of written letters and painted burgandy hearts.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

100 POUNDS TO LOSE!!!!!!

Well, I thought I would share with you my main goal for 2010.

I am on my way to losing 100 pounds, hopefully, by January 1st, 2011.

I have been sharing with my friends on facebook about my weight loss journey. I am even going to share my weigh in amounts each Monday on fb.

I have 2 important events happening this year. My oldest child, Chris, is graduating High School this year and I have my 20 year class reunion coming up!!! I am praying I can reach my goal, or come very close, by the end of the year. It is time for me to get back to living!!!

I will also share my weight loss with anyone who is following my blog. My first weigh in is January 11th, 6 days from now. I'll tell you how much I have lost and what I have to go!

Anyone who is interested in tagging along is more than welcome! I would love to have you do this with me!!!

Well, have a great evening! Talk soon!!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Bracelet

I have been thinking of creating some bracelets and necklaces for my etsy and ebay shoppes. This is a sneak peak of one of my pieces.

This one is called Rainforest. It has wooden beads with creamy foliage, green shell, and a glass leaf that dangles when you wear it.

These are fun to make and like painting, the possabilities are endless. I like that!!

May have some of these up for sale soon! Stay tuned!!!

My Winter Art Nook

I am having to laugh as I share this with you!! This is the "little" table where I am doing my painting right now. A tiny corner of my bedroom designated to art and crafts. Sorry it is sooooo messy!!!
Now, I do have a little artroom out back, but it is just too cold to be out there right now! So, I am having to make do with the small space I have available. And, it is toasty warm!!! So, I cannot complain!
I have several paintings in the works right now on this little table. Hoping to get them done and on ebay soon!
I was also given a wonderful gift by a good friend and my Mom's friend from church. They both gave me tons of cabinet doors to use for my Angels! My artroom is full of them! I feel like I have been so blessed by this. Money has been sort of tight and art supplies are few and far between. So, thank you Angela and Dolly for your sweet gift!!!
Well, I am off to get more painting done!
Talk soon!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!!!

Happy New Year, 2010!!!!

Hope everyone has a great new year.

Our family has alot going on this year. My son graduates high school and may be heading to college in fall. I may be going back to school as well! My daughter will be a senior! We have 2 teens going to proms this year. All kinds of exciting things.

Praying this year will be better than last year.

Good luck with all your new year's resolutions, I have a few myself.

Talk soon!!!
