

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

100 POUNDS TO LOSE!!!!!!

Well, I thought I would share with you my main goal for 2010.

I am on my way to losing 100 pounds, hopefully, by January 1st, 2011.

I have been sharing with my friends on facebook about my weight loss journey. I am even going to share my weigh in amounts each Monday on fb.

I have 2 important events happening this year. My oldest child, Chris, is graduating High School this year and I have my 20 year class reunion coming up!!! I am praying I can reach my goal, or come very close, by the end of the year. It is time for me to get back to living!!!

I will also share my weight loss with anyone who is following my blog. My first weigh in is January 11th, 6 days from now. I'll tell you how much I have lost and what I have to go!

Anyone who is interested in tagging along is more than welcome! I would love to have you do this with me!!!

Well, have a great evening! Talk soon!!!!

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